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The date filter formats a date in a variety of formats. It can handle old-school java.util.Date, Java 8 java.time constructs like OffsetDateTime and timestamps in milliseconds from the epoch. The filter will construct a java.text.SimpleDateFormat or java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter using the provided pattern and then use this newly created format to format the provided date object. If you don't provide a pattern, either DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME or yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ will be used.

{{ user.birthday | date("yyyy-MM-dd") }}

An alternative way to use this filter is to use it on a string but then provide two arguments: the first is the desired pattern for the output, and the second is the existing format used to parse the input string into a java.util.Date object.

{{ "July 24, 2001" | date("yyyy-MM-dd", existingFormat="MMMM dd, yyyy") }}

The above example will output the following:


Time zones

If the provided date has time zone info (e.g. OffsetDateTime) then it will be used. If the provided date has no time zone info, by default the system time zone will be used. If you need to use a specific time zone then you can pass in a timeZone parameter any string that's understood by ZoneId / ZoneInfo:

{# the timeZone parameter will be ignored #}
{{ someOffsetDateTime | date("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX", timeZone="UTC") }}
{# the provided time zone will override the system default #}
{{ someInstant | date("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssX", timeZone="Pacific/Funafuti") }}


  • format
  • existingFormat
  • timeZone