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Spring Boot Integration

Pebble Spring Boot Starter

Spring Boot starter for autoconfiguring Pebble.

Basic Usage

Add the starter dependency to your pom.xml:

spring-boot v2


Or build.gradle:

compile "io.pebbletemplates:pebble-spring-boot-starter:3.2.3"

spring-boot v1


Or build.gradle:

compile "io.pebbletemplates:pebble-legacy-spring-boot-starter:3.2.3"

This is enough for autoconfiguration to kick in. This includes:

  • a Loader that will pick template files ending in .peb from /templates/ dir on the classpath
  • a PebbleEngine with default settings, configured with the previous loader
  • a Spring extension which offers some functionality described below
  • a ViewResolver that will output text/html in UTF-8

PLEASE NOTE: the starter depends on spring-boot-starter-web but is marked as optional, you'll need to add the dependency yourself or configure Spring MVC appropriately.

Boot externalized configuration

A number of properties can be defined in Spring Boot externalized configuration, eg., starting with the prefix pebble. See the corresponding for your starter version. Notable properties are:

  • pebble.prefix: defines the prefix that will be prepended to the mvc view name. Defaults to /templates/
  • pebble.suffix: defines the suffix that will be appended to the mvc view name. Defaults to .peb
  • pebble.cache: enables or disables PebbleEngine caches. Defaults to true
  • pebble.contentType: defines the content type that will be used to configure the ViewResolver. Defaults to text/html
  • pebble.encoding: defines the text encoding that will be used to configure the ViewResolver. Defaults to UTF-8
  • pebble.exposeRequestAttributes: defines whether all request attributes should be added to the model prior to merging with the template for the ViewResolver. Defaults to false
  • pebble.exposeSessionAttributes: defines whether all session attributes should be added to the model prior to merging with the template for the ViewResolver. Defaults to false
  • pebble.defaultLocale: defines the default locale that will be used to configure the PebbleEngine. Defaults to null
  • pebble.strictVariables: enable or disable the strict variable checking in the PebbleEngine. Defaults to false
  • pebble.greedyMatchMethod: enable or disable the greedy matching mode for finding java method in the PebbleEngine. Defaults to false


There is the spring petclinic example which has been migrated to pebble

There is also a fully working example project located on github which can be used as a reference. It is a very simple and bare-bones project designed to only portray the basics. To build the project, simply run mvn install and then deploy the resulting war file to a an application container.

Customizing Pebble

Pebble extensions

Extensions defined as beans will be picked up and added to the PebbleEngine automatically:

public Extension myPebbleExtension1() {
   return new MyPebbleExtension1();

public Extension myPebbleExtension2() {
   return new MyPebbleExtension2();

CAVEAT: Spring will not gather all the beans if they're scattered across multiple @Configuration classes. If you use this mechanism, bundle all Extension @Beans in a single @Configuration class.

Customizing the Loader

The autoconfigurer looks for a bean named pebbleLoader in the context. You can define a custom loader with that name and it will be used to configure the default PebbleEngine:

public Loader<?> pebbleLoader() {
   return new MyCustomLoader();

PLEASE NOTE: this loader's prefix and suffix will be both overwritten when the ViewResolver is configured. You should use the externalized configuration for changing these properties.

Customizing the PebbleEngine

Likewise, you can build a custom engine and make it the default by using the bean name pebbleEngine:

public PebbleEngine pebbleEngine() {
   return new PebbleEngine.Builder().build();

Customizing the MethodAccessValidator

You can provide your own MethodAccessValidator or switch to NoOpMethodAccessValidator by providing a MethodAccessValidator Bean

public MethodAccessValidator methodAccessValidator() {
  return new NoOpMethodAccessValidator();

Customizing the ViewResolver

And the same goes for the ViewResolver

public PebbleViewResolver pebbleViewResolver() {
   return new PebbleViewResolver();

For reactive app

public PebbleReactiveViewResolver pebbleReactiveViewResolver() {
   return new PebbleReactiveViewResolver(...);

PLEASE NOTE: you need to change the Loader's prefix and suffix to match the custom ViewResolver's values.


Access to Spring beans

Spring beans are available to the template.

{{ beans.beanName }}

Access to http request

HttpServletRequest object is available to the template.

{{ request.contextPath }}

Access to http response

HttpServletResponse is available to the template.

{{ response.contentType }}

Access to http session

HttpSession is available to the template.

{{ session.maxInactiveInterval }}

Spring extension

This extension has many functions for spring validation and the use of message bundle.

Href function

Function to automatically add the context path to a given url

<a href="{{ href('/foobar') }}">Example</a>

Message function

It achieves the same thing as the i18n function, but instead, it uses the configured spring messageSource, typically the ResourceBundleMessageSource.

Label = {{ message('label.test') }}
Label with params = {{ message('label.test.params', 'params1', 'params2') }}

Spring validations and error messages

6 validations methods and error messages are exposed using spring BindingResult. It needs as a parameter the form name and for a particular field, the field name.

To check if there's any error:

{{ hasErrors('formName' }}

{{ hasGlobalErrors('formName' }}

{{ hasFieldErrors('formName', 'fieldName' }}

To output any error:

{% for err in getAllErrors('formName') %}
    <p>{{ err }}</p>
{% endfor %}

{% for err in getGlobalErrors('formName') %}
    <p>{{ err }}</p>
{% endfor %}

{% for err in getFieldErrors('formName', 'fieldName') %}
    <p>{{ err }}</p>
{% endfor %}

Using Pebble for other tasks

The main role of this starter is to configure Pebble for generating MVC View results (the typical HTML). You may define more PebbleEngine/Loader beans for other usage patterns (like generating email bodies). Bear in mind that you should not reuse the default Loader for other Engine instances.