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Installation and Configuration

Installation & Configuration


Pebble is hosted in the Maven Central Repository. Simply add the following dependency into your pom.xml file:


Also, snapshots of the master branch are deployed automatically with each successful commit. Instead of Maven Central, use the Sonatype snapshots repository at:


You can add the repository in your pom.xml

    <name>Sonatype Public</name>

Set Up

If you are integrating Pebble with Spring MVC, read this guide.

You will want to begin by creating a PebbleEngine which is responsible for coordinating the retrieval and compilation of your templates:

PebbleEngine engine = new PebbleEngine.Builder().build();

And now, with your new PebbleEngine instance you can start compiling templates:

PebbleTemplate compiledTemplate = engine.getTemplate("templateName");

Finally, simply provide your compiled template with a Writer object and a Map of variables to get your output!

Writer writer = new StringWriter();

Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();
context.put("name", "Mitchell");

compiledTemplate.evaluate(writer, context);

String output = writer.toString();

Template Loader

The PebbleEngineBuilder will also accept a Loader implementation as an argument. A loader is responsible for finding your templates.

Pebble ships with the following loader implementations:

  • ClasspathLoader: Uses a classloader to search the current classpath.
  • FileLoader: Finds templates using a filesystem path.
  • ServletLoader: Uses a servlet context to find the template. This is the recommended loader for use within an application server but is not enabled by default.
  • Servlet5Loader: Same as ServletLoader, but for Jakarta Servlet 5.0 or newer.
  • StringLoader: Considers the name of the template to be the contents of the template.
  • DelegatingLoader: Delegates responsibility to a collection of children loaders.
  • MemoryLoader: Loader that supports inheritance and doesn't require a filesystem. This is useful for applications that retrieve templates from a database for example.

If you do not provide a custom Loader, Pebble will use an instance of the DelegatingLoader by default. This delegating loader will use a ClasspathLoader and a FileLoader behind the scenes to find your templates.

Pebble Engine Settings

All the settings are set during the construction of the PebbleEngine object.

cacheActiveFlag to activate/desactivate template cachingtrue
templateCacheAn implementation of a ConcurrentMap cache that the Pebble engine will use to cache compiled templates.Default implementation is ConcurrentMapTemplateCache and another implementation based on Caffeine is available (CaffeineTemplateCache)
tagCacheAn implementation of a ConcurrentMap cache that the Pebble engine will use for cache tag.Default implementation is ConcurrentMapTagCache and another implementation based on Caffeine is available (CaffeineTagCache)
defaultLocaleThe default locale which will be passed to each compiled template. The templates then use this locale for functions such as i18n, etc. A template can also be given a unique locale during evaluation.Locale.getDefault()
executorServiceAn ExecutorService that allows the usage of some advanced multithreading features, such as the parallel tag.null
loaderAn implementation of the Loader interface which is used to find templates.An implementation of the DelegatingLoader which uses a ClasspathLoader and a FileLoader behind the scenes.
strictVariablesIf set to true, Pebble will throw an exception if you try to access a variable or attribute that does not exist (or an attribute of a null variable). If set to false, your template will treat non-existing variables/attributes as null without ever skipping a beat.false