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The for tag is used to iterate through primitive arrays or anything that implements the java.lang.Iterable interface, as well as maps.

{% for user in users %}
	{{ }} lives in {{ }}.
{% endfor %}

While inside of the loop, Pebble provides a couple of special variables to help you out:

  • loop.index - a zero-based index that increments with every iteration.
  • loop.length - the size of the object we are iterating over.
  • loop.first - True if first iteration
  • loop.last - True if last iteration
  • loop.revindex - The number of iterations from the end of the loop
{% for user in users %}
	{{ loop.index }} - {{ }}
{% endfor %}

The for tag also provides a convenient way to check if the iterable object is empty with the included else tag.

{% for user in users %}
	{{ loop.index }} - {{ }}
{% else %}
	There are no users to display.
{% endfor %}

Iterating over maps can be done like so:

{% for entry in map %}
    {{ entry.key }} - {{ entry.value }}
{% endfor %}